Empowering Business Leaders and Organizations to Optimize Workplace Wellbeing
Speaker, Author, Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies
Dr. Jay Kumar is a leading expert on applying brain science and behavior for advancing corporate success, engaged leadership, and workplace wellbeing.
He is an accomplished business consultant, researcher, educator and author. Fortune 500 companies from Google, Freddie Mac, Boston Scientific, and more have engaged and implemented Dr. Jay’s expertise and proven strategies for advancing organizational resilience and optimizing employee performance and workplace wellbeing.

Media & Speaking
Charismatic. Engaging. Inspiring.
A sought-after Fortune 500 keynote speaker and advisor to leadership and HR teams across the globe, Dr. Jay expertly counsels organizations and businesses on reimagining work for both short and long-term success.
Education, learning, and professional development are essential for organizations to succeed and thrive into the future.
Built on a foundation of behavior and brain science, Dr. Jay expertly delivers corporate wellness programs and valuable educational content to improve organizational resilience, leadership ability, and employee wellbeing.

Livestream Show
The Thriving Brain, part of the “One To Watch” series by GenConnectU and LinkedIn.
Train your brain for greater health and happiness. Learn how to thrive in the face of adversity, change, and loss.
Dr. Jay — recognized brain science and mental health expert — introduces you to thought leaders and special guests from the fields of business, professional sports, entertainment, politics, media, and science.
Praise for Science of a Happy Brain — Thriving in the Age of Anger, Anxiety and Addiction.
“Dr. Jay Kumar gives some tantalizing thoughts, based on novel science results, and makes the case that our happy brains might be the answer to both personal and societal issues that seem too complex to tackle…” Deepak Chopra, M.D.